We’re All In This Together
The recent outbreak of COVID-19, or Coronavirus, has lead to fear, confusion and isolation around the world, with many people self isolating, many countries mandating quarantines and others encouraging social distancing. But the message that keeps finding its way through the muck is that we’re all in this together.
As a travel management company, Top Tier Travel is all about helping our clients build community with their clients, employees and shareholders through travel and events, all of which, up to this point, have been live and in-person. But in the wake of adversity, we’re not the kind of company to get discouraged. Instead, we get creative! And when we get creative, things get even more fun!
Here are some of our best suggestions to help keep your community thriving during quarantine:
Virtual Office
Create a daily Zoom, Teams or other virtual meeting for all employees to join. Most laptops have built-in microphones and cameras to let your team easily communicate and have discussions without being in the office. We suggest leaving your video on to encourage connection, as video is more powerful than simply using messenger services.
Host a Coffee Hour or Lunch and Learn
Take this time to add some additional training for your employees or discussion groups. GrubHub allows gift card purchases, enabling you to continue to provide lunch or coffee for a virtual event, delivered straight to the attendees door!
Think Outside the… Everything!
In most cities, taking a walk, run or bike ride outside is still an option, provided that it doesn’t produce a large gathering. Sunlight and activity are important components for mental and physical health, especially during a time of isolation. Most virtual meeting companies, such as Zoom, have a mobile app. Try encouraging your team to do a “Virtual Team Walk” for one of your meetings, or even on a lunch break while catching up on things you don’t need a computer for.
No Commute = More Time
More time for self care, tackling that to-do list, starting a new project, etc. With many people having to work from home, many people are getting hours back in their day with the drastic reduction in time spent commuting. Encourage employees to take care of themselves and offer “extra credit” for employees tackling those never-seem-to-have-enough-hours-in-the-day projects. Try turning it into a friendly competition, with each employee starting the week with a list of their projects and see accomplishes the most within the week.
Deeper Connections with Customers
You’re probably got a few more hours in your day now too. Take the time to actually connect with your customers on the phone. Genuinely find out how they are fairing and if there’s anything you can do to help. Thank them for standing by you in this difficult time and let them know you are there for them. Don’t shrink from conversations; dive in and connect even more than before. You’ll be surprised how positively this can turn out!
Host a Quarantine Cocktail Hour
We can help you create your Virtual Cocktail Hour complete with music, quarantine cocktail recipes, entertainment and activities. Depending on your city, we can help you involve local artists who are now out of work, highlight local bars who have had to shut their doors, and make your cocktail hour not only a community hub for your business, but a way to serve your community as a whole.
Remember, we’re all in this together, so let’s spend some time together!